Moisturising Natural Hair

Moisturising Natural Hair

Keeping natural hair moisturised & soft is important as it keeps natural soft & pliable throughout handling. Dry brittle hair breaks easily & is prone developing knots & split ends which lead to breakage.

 The 1st step to perfectly moisturised hair starts by using the right deep conditioners / conditioners (More on Deep Conditioning)

To moisturise the hair, use water- based leave in conditioners or creams to infuse moisture back into the hair. Depending on the condition of the hair a method called LAYERING can be used, which is using both a leave in conditioner & a cream at the same time. This is particularly useful for very dry, brittle and course natural hair which can be a challenge to keep soft and manageable.

Give extra care to the ends of the hair as they tend be more brittle and dry as they age.

After moisturising, use an oil or pomade to seal in the moisture. This process can be done 2 – 4 days a week depending on the condition of one hair. Take care not to use too much product or too many products as they can cause serious build-up which attracts dirt & cause the hair to limp.


  • Deep Condition Regularly
  • Incorporate Hot Oil Treatments
  • Moisturise Hair Regularly
  • Avoid/Reduce The Use of Direct Heat .e.g., hair straighteners
  • Avoid/Reduce The use of Harsh chemicals .e.g. perms, hair colourants

The following products are recommended for moisturising natural hair:

  • Dew’wel Castorich leave in Conditioner       
  • Dew’wel Castorich Moisturiser           
  • Dew'wel’ Premium Leave in conditioner

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